Dora Epstein Jones

Dora Epstein Jones is a theorist, curator and historian of architectural culture. Her work focuses mainly on the discipline of architecture, and includes interrogations of its boundaries and operations through examinations of tectonics, practice, and pedagogy, as well as (generally external) concerns like gender, sex, mobility, and criticality. She has published widely in architectural journals, such as Log, Arch’it, and ArcCa, and as an active member of architectural conferences and symposia for the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. She is the co-editor of Log 31: New Ancients, Zago Architecture and Office dA: Two Installations, and Mechudzu: New Rhetorics for Architecture, and serves on the Advisory Board of Journal of Architectural Education, Interpunct, and the Getty Research Institute Architecture Archive. Epstein Jones holds a PhD in Architectural History, Theory, and Criticism, is a past research fellow of the Luce Foundation, a two-time UC Regents Scholar, and a recipient of the Advanced Academic Fellowship of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). She was a longtime administrator and instructor of Cultural Studies at SCI-Arc, and is currently the Executive Director of the A+D Museum in Los Angeles.